2 eczane nöbetçidir.
Özge Kale Pharmacy
China Bazaar Yanı, Günay Taksi Durağı Sırası, Akun Market Yolu Üzeri, Ayluga Bölgesi / Mağusa
Rezan Pharmacy
Salamis Yolu, DAÜ Çemberi Yanı, Foto Özay karşısı, Novel Centre Point
On Duty Pharmacies in Gazimağusa
You can find information about pharmacies on duty in Gazimağusa from the end of working hours on 8 March 2025 Saturday until other pharmacies open in the morning of 9 March 2025.
Important Information
- Some pharmacies may not be on duty throughout the night
- They may provide service at specific hours only
- They may adopt a different working schedule by implementing on-call duty
- The duty schedule may change due to unexpected circumstances
- The duty schedule may change due to legal circumstances
Suggestion: It is recommended to contact the pharmacy by phone to confirm their service status before visiting.