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8 eczane nöbetçidir.

Demir Pharmacy

Meydan Mahallesi, Bakımyurdu Caddesi, Avrupa Cerrahi Tıp Merkezi yanı Eski Emniyet Müdürlüğü Civarı Seyhan / Adana

Sema Taşpınar Pharmacy

Pınar Mahallesi, 74045 Sokak No:6/A Seyhan / Adana

Park Pharmacy

Atatürk Caddesi Gülbahçesi Sitesi Groseri karşısı Seyhan / Adana

Yeni Pınar Pharmacy

Denizli İsmetpaşa Mahallesi, 51054 Sokak No:1 Seyhan / Adana

Sadıkoğlu Pharmacy

Yeşilyurt Mahallesi, İboosman Caddesi, 70154 Sokak, No:13/A Seyhan / Adana

Cemre Pharmacy

Bahçeşehir 1 Nolu ASM yanı Ceylan Market Yakını Seyhan / Adana

Şeyma Pharmacy

Sümer Mahallesi, 69126 Sokak, S.Karabulut Apt No:4/D-E Seyhan / Adana

Cadde Pharmacy

Çınarlı Mahallesi, Ziyapaşa Bulvarı, Piramit İş Merkezi No:92/2-A Seyhan / Adana

On Duty Pharmacies in Seyhan

You can find information about pharmacies on duty in Seyhan from the end of working hours on 10 March 2025 Monday until other pharmacies open in the morning of 11 March 2025.

Important Information

  • Some pharmacies may not be on duty throughout the night
  • They may provide service at specific hours only
  • They may adopt a different working schedule by implementing on-call duty
  • The duty schedule may change due to unexpected circumstances
  • The duty schedule may change due to legal circumstances

Suggestion: It is recommended to contact the pharmacy by phone to confirm their service status before visiting.